The Construction of Mental Toughness Measure for Wrestling Athletes

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Surachet Kwannai
Wimonmas Peachakul
Suphatcharin PanUthai


The purposes of this research were to study the mental toughness of wrestling athletes, to construct the mental toughness measure for wrestling athletes, and to investigate the mental toughness level of wrestling athletes at sports schools under Institute of Physical Education. This research was divided into three sections: Section 1, the study on mental toughness of wrestling athletes, including 10 samples recruited by purposive sampling method in a qualitative data analysis to be the guidelines of constructing the mental toughness measure for wrestling athletes; Section 2, the construction of mental toughness measure for wrestling athletes to examine its quality in term of constructive validity. The data were analyzed with the index of item objective congruence for construct validity and Cronbach's alpha reliability, and analyzed by discrimination with t-test method; Section 3, The investigation of wrestling athletes' mental toughness level. The one hundred participants were recruited by purposive sampling method and measured by the constructed test of mental toughness for wrestling athletes. The data were analyzed in terms of mean and standard deviation.

The findings revealed that wrestling athletes' mental toughness referred to those athletes who had self-control, achieved concentration, created an advantage over the rival, got self-confidence and overcame obstacles both during the training and tournaments. Five elements support wrestling athletes' mental toughness consisted of self-control, concentration, creating an advantage over the rival, self-confidence and overcome obstacles. The mental toughness measure for wrestling athletes gained 0.66-1.00 item objective congruence with constructive validity, the reliability was .96 and discrimination ranged .38-97, and it was found that wrestling athletes' mental toughness score at sport schools was 118 12.50.

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How to Cite
Kwannai, S., Peachakul, W., & PanUthai, S. (2013). The Construction of Mental Toughness Measure for Wrestling Athletes. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(3), 31–44. Retrieved from
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