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Wongphat Chudam


The objectives of this research were to study the swimming teaching strategies towards the swimming performance in the university, and to compare the model of motivated creation towards the swimming performance. This research was the mixed method research. The samples were the 16 lecturers and the specialists in coaching the swimming, qualified from the experienced lecturers in the university level at less 3 years, and the 200 experienced students who studied in the swimming subject, and were qualified by the purposive sampling. The tools used for collecting the data were the semi - structured interview form and the questionnaire about the swimming teaching strategies towards the swimming performance in the university. The descriptive statistics and t - test Independent were used in the quantitative aspect. The content analysis in the type of the analytic deduction was used in the qualitative aspect.

The research result was found that 1) The student’s swimming skill towards the teaching strategies in the swimming subject in the aspect of the leadership overall was in the high level (Mean = 4.40), 2) The teaching strategies in the swimming subject in the aspect of the lesson plan, the information media and the teaching equipment for swimming class overall were in the highest level (Mean = 4.56), 3) The teaching strategies in the swimming subject in the aspect of the model and the method of assessing the lecturer’s swimming skill overall were in the high level (Mean = 4.41) and 4)the 2 models of creating the motivations were compared as follows: The internal motivations and the external motivations that were used for teaching in the university level affecting the swimming skill was not statistically significant at 0.05. From the research result it can be concluded that the swimming lecturer in the university level should use the internal and the external motivation in term of creating the student’s motivation in the class, and in the aspect of the lesson plan the information media and the teaching equipment should be used for the swimming class. Furthermore, the result from the in - depth interview was found that arranging the activities in the game model, arranging in the practical competition model in class affected the student’s swimming skill.

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How to Cite
Chudam, W. . (2021). THE STUDY OF SWIMMING TEACHING STRATEGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 14(1), 249–264. retrieved from
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