Sports and Recreation Activities Development Model For Enhancing Participation of Students At Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus

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Nuttee Boonchan


This research was conducted to examine problems and needs of sports and recreations participation and preferable sports and recreations of students at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani campus and to develop sports and recreations model in order to enhance the students' participation. The samples for quantitative study were 400 students drawn by stratified random sampling, while administrators, 5 academicians and 15 Sports and Recreations Club leaders and committee members were drawn by purposive sampling for qualitative study. The research instruments included questionnaires and interview forms. Percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and data analysis were used in analyzing data. The findings were as follows.

1) Two problems in attending the sports and recreation activity in both competitive sport activities for pleasure and sport activities for good health and fitness which the university students. and the problem in founding the sports clubs.

2) The sports activities which the university students desired are badminton, volleyball, petanque, basketball, swimming, and the recreations activities which the university students desired are were hobby, off-campus/outdoor activities, social recreations, field trips or study tours, music and singing.

3) Regarding to the sports models, students' preferred able international sports were football, volleyball, takraw, swimming, futsal and basketball while their preferred local sports included such sports as Pencak Silat, Kolae boat race and dove singing contests. As for recreation models, students’ preferable activities were music and singing, outdoor and off-campus activities, social recreation, health enhancement and dynamics group, leisure time activities, field trips, study tours, as well as folk performances like 'likay hulu', 'rabum talikipas' or fan dance, 'nasheed'singing, 'rong-ngeng' dance, Maulid festival, and 'asura' making. Besides being spectators, they wanted to participate in evaluating the activity organization. The appropriate time for the activities should be on weekdays at 4-6 pm. and must also be in accordance with their religious practices and the culture of those students who are Muslim, which is the majority group (80 percent) in Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Moreover, the personal staff, the budget and venues must be supported by the University.

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How to Cite
Boonchan, N. (2022). Sports and Recreation Activities Development Model For Enhancing Participation of Students At Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 6(3), 145–156. Retrieved from
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