The study of perception, attitude and participation of the spectators attending the sports competition held by Institute of Physical Education toward sport tourism

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Pathanthiya Singkram
Thanapong Kaewkum
Suchin Buangam


The Purposes of this study were: 1) to study of perception, attitude and participation of the spectators attending the sport competition held by Institute of Physical Education 2) to propose ways of promoting sport tourism. This research was a mixed method research which was mixed between quantitative research and qualitative research. Population and samples were the spectators attending the 39th Institute of Physical Education Games at Srisaket. This research used Krejcie and Morgan table for sample size determination. The population of the study was 7,000 spectators. The 364 samples were selected from the total number using confidence random sampling method. In keeping data collecting clear from error, the researcher increased the sample size to 400 using convenience random sampling method. The instrument used for data collecting is questionnaire. Descriptive statistics used to describe the data were mean, standard deviation, and percentage.

The findings revealed that:

  1. Eighty percent of the spectators' perception and behaviors have an impact on sport tourism;

  2. The spectators' attitude on sport tourism was at high level with the arithmetic mean of 4.19;

  3. Eighty percent of the spectators' behaviors have an impact on sport tourism;

  4. Based on the major findings, the following ways of promoting sport tourism were suggested: 1) Sport tourism outside the competition arena; 2) Sport tourism inside the competition arena; ฝึก 3) Tour packages for those being interested in sport tourism.

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How to Cite
Singkram, P., Kaewkum, T., & Buangam, S. (2015). The study of perception, attitude and participation of the spectators attending the sports competition held by Institute of Physical Education toward sport tourism. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 7(3), 65–76. retrieved from
Research Articles


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