Nutrition Status of Male Badminton Athletes of Thailand National Team

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Orawan Phuchaiwattananon
Piyaporn Toomnark


The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of 16 males Thai badminton athletes. Nutrition status was assessed by a 3-day dietary record, anthropometry, biochemical, and hematological indices. It was found that means of body weight, height and percentage of body fat were 73+13 kg, 177+5 cm and 11.53+4.36 % , respectively. Mean energy and protein intake were 2601+512 kca/d, and 1.64+0.43 g/kg, respectively. The average intake from fat was 31.4+5.8% of total calories. Total energy and carbohydrate intake failed to meet minimum recommendation for athletes. There were found inadequate micronutrients intake, particularly vitamin C and calcium intake that lower than DRI recommendation whereas vitamin B group were meet adequate intake. Increase in creatine kinase was indicated sub-clinical muscular injury, increasing the potential for damage. The 87% of players were greater creatine kinase level than reference value. Conclusion: A high proportion of badminton players were not in energy balance, and failed to meet carbohydrate, vitamin C and calcium recommendations. Suboptimal nutrition status may affect physical performance.

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How to Cite
Phuchaiwattananon, O. ., & Toomnark, P. (2016). Nutrition Status of Male Badminton Athletes of Thailand National Team. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 8(1), 109–124. retrieved from
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