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kit khunkitti
Pramsak Kraithong
Napasorn Jeenkuan


The research aimed to study the level and relationship between sport aggression and mental toughness among Uttaradit Rajabhat University football club athletes. A sample of 30 people by means of volunteer sampling. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire to measure aggression in sports, 33 items with standard scores of 4 ranks (rank 1 regularly - rank 4, never doing) and a questionnaire measuring mental toughness of 36 items with standard scores. 8 rank values ​​(1st untrue for me - 8th true for me). Data were analyzed using statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

          The results found that the sample group was between 18-20 years old, 76.7% had playing experience between 6-10 years, 73.3% overall aggression was at the highest level with an average of 30 points, moreover, It was found to be at the highest level in two areas: instrumental aggressive behavior with an average of 36 points and energetic aggressive behavior with an average of 35 points. Overall, mental fitness was at the highest level in all areas, with a mean value of 21 points, and athletic aggression had a high positive correlation with self-esteem. Mentally strong in four aspects: Mental self-concept, Potential, Painstaking perseverance and positive thinking with statistical significance .01.

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How to Cite
khunkitti, kit, Kraithong, P. ., & Jeenkuan, N. . (2024). AGGRESSION IN SPORT AND MENTAL TOUGHNESS OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS AT UTTARADIT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 16(2), 37–48. retrieved from
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