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Ratanyoo Longrak
Wirat Sonchan


Resistance training has gained widespread popularity in recent times for enhancing the athletic potential of individuals. Given the increased knowledge about physical fitness, an   ever-growing number of athletes and coaches are turning to resistance training for its numerous benefits, which include enhanced explosive strength, maximum power output, and muscle growth. However, heavy resistance training is, sometimes, not suitable for some athletes, such as for those who are weak. Thus, alternative training methods are being sought to overcome the limitations of traditional resistance training. One approach gaining popularity is low-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction (BFR). This narrative review seeks to achieve 3 objectives: 1) to raise awareness about the importance of flow-mediated dilation (FMD); 2), to investigate the effect of low resistance training (30%1RM) with BFR and traditional heavy resistance training on blood vessel expansion ability; and 3), to provide valuable information to practitioners for decision-making regarding the use of these resistance training techniques. The data under review was collected from prior controlled trial studies obtained through a literature search conducted on PubMed. The findings indicated the capacity of blood vessels to expand changed after period of resistance training. A substantial impact of resistance training on FMD was reported that even a slight 1% decrease in FMD could significantly raise the risk of cardiovascular events by up to 8%. The results of 4 out of 5 randomized controlled trials suggested that low-intensity resistance training with BFR led to a significant increase in FMD after a training period, whereas heavy resistance training showed contrasting result. However, it appeared that the training volume played a crucial role, as excessive volume, even with low resistance, could have a negative effect on FMD. Individuals practicing low-intensity resistance training with BFR should carefully monitor their training volume to avoid adverse outcomes. Based on previous studies demonstrating positive effects on FMD, an intensity of 30-40% 1RM or 20% MVC was recommended.

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How to Cite
Longrak, R., & Sonchan, W. (2024). CHRONIC EFFECT ON FLOW - MEDIATED DILATION FROM LOW - INTENSITY RESISTANCE TRAINING WITH BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION: A NARRATIVE REVIEW. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 16(2), 15–24. retrieved from
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