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Nongnuch Dechjob
Karuntharat Boonchuaythanasit


The purpose of this research was to explore the confirmatory factors of dietary behavior for weight loss among overweight personnel in higher education Institutions. The sample comprised 340 university personnel in higher education institutions recruited by multistage sampling.   A rating scale and multiple choice questionnaire was used as a research instrument. Quality of the research tool was checked for validity and reliability. The Index of item objective congruence (IOC) was used to check the content and construct validity while Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was used to employ the reliability of the instrument. Data analysis was made by using Frequency distribution, Mean, Standard Deviation and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).

The instrument quality testing revealed that the IOC was between 0.6 -1.00 whereas the Cronbach’s alpha showed an excellent internal consistency of 0.93 which reflexed the reliability of the tool was in a high level. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis of dietary behavior for weight loss was statistically significant at a 0.05 significance level. The dietary behavior for weight loss consisted of: 1) high-fiber and low-glycemic index diet (1.04), 2) calorie restriction (0.83) and 3) high-protein diet (0.70). The model analysis results were consistent with the empirical data at a good level (χ2 = 16.42, df = 18, χ2/ df < 0.91, p ≥ 0.98, RMR < 0.01, RMSEA < 0.00, GFI > 0.99, AGFI > 0.97, NFI ≥ 1.00).

In conclusion, the results of the confirmatory factors analysis revealed that the model fit with empirical data. The dietary behaviors for weight loss consist of three factors including high - fiber and low - glycemic index diet, calorie restriction, and hight- protein diet.

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How to Cite
Dechjob, N., & Boonchuaythanasit, K. . (2024). CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF DIETARY BEHAVIOR FOR WEIGHT LOSS AMONG OVERWEIGHT PERSONNEL IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 16(3), 203–212. Retrieved from
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