The use of pre and post-surgical orthopedic appliances in cleft lip and palate infant


  • Laddawun Sununliganon คณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Cleft lip and palate, Nasoalveolar molding, Infant orthopedic appliances


The use of orthopedic appliances in cleft lip and palate infant can be used before and after primary lip nose surgery. These appliances include an adhesive tape, nasoalveolar molding appliance (NAM), and nasoform which aims to reduce the severity of lip and nose deformity in cleft and palate infant. Different kinds of device serve different functions. For example, The NAM is used to arrange the alveolar ridge, reduce the collapse and distortion of the lip / nose and facilitate the swallowing mechanism. Each infant requires a unique appliance that is suitable for individual deformity at each specific time point. However, it is recommended to start using the appliance as early as possible in order to achieve the effectiveness of the treatment.  This will accomplish more symmetric appearing of lip and nose from the primary surgery. Therefore the additional surgery that may affect growth and development is not necessary. This treatment also contributes to a psychological support to parents. In brief, these appliances are considered as high cost-effectiveness because they provide a satisfactory result by using an inexpensive material with uncomplicated technique. This article aims to introduce and promote the use of these appliances in cleft lip and palate infant, especially for the multidisciplinary treatment, as a role of the dentist. Therefore, this effective treatment can be more approachable for these infants.


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How to Cite

Sununliganon L. The use of pre and post-surgical orthopedic appliances in cleft lip and palate infant. TUHJ [Internet]. 2016 Apr. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];1(1):74-83. Available from:


