Development and Implementation of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice for Pain Management on Acute Pain in Pediatric Patients


  • Pakorn Chupinijrobkob โรงพยาบาลธรรมศาสตร์เฉลิมพระเกียรติ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Pain, Pain management, Pediatric patient, Evidence based practice, Nursing


This study was quasi-experimental research, two group pretest and posttest design. This developmental research aimed to develop and implement evidence based nursing practice guideline (EBNP) for acute pain management in children at general pediatric ward, Thammasat University Hospital during October 2014 to September 2016.  The study samples were pediatric patient, neonates to child under 5 years before (n=30) and after (n=30) the EBNP implementation and parents of pediatric patient and 20 health care providers who took care of pediatric patients.  The instrument used for data collection included pediatric patient demographic data questionnaire, health care provider demographic data questionnaire, pain management form parent satisfaction questionnaire and health care provider satisfaction questionnaire which were validated by five experts. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U tests.

          The results of this study showed that neonates after implementating the EBNP had lower pain scores (p<.05). Parent's satisfaction with pain management increased and most of health care provider report high level of satisfaction with EBNP regarding effectiveness, clarify, applicability, feasibility, appropriateness and time - saving. Therefore, this study recommends that nurses would use EBNP to reduce acute pain in children.


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How to Cite

Chupinijrobkob P. Development and Implementation of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice for Pain Management on Acute Pain in Pediatric Patients. TUHJ [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(1):1-8. Available from:


