Meal consumption by parental care and nutrition of school age at Ngao district, Lampang Province


  • Tawin Sakunwanwong Mae Moh District Public Health Office, Lampang Province
  • Phubet Saengsawang Department of Community Health, Mahidol University


Meal consumption, Parent, Nutrition status


Background : The overweight in school age children is a major problem on public health in Thailand and around the world because the trend of obesity will be increasing. This problem has a direct impact on the body, such as the risk of chronic diseases,  heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Previous researches on this subject studied about the risk factors of obesity in school aged children. However, the study of parantae role in food consumption and their effect on the nutritional status of school aged chidrend are still lacking.

Objective : Therefore, this study aimed to determine the difference in the food consumption by parental advice among different groups of nutritional status of school aged children in Ngao District, Lampang Province.

Material and methods : The study design was a cross-sectional research 368  parents of school aged children were enrolled . Data collected by using the questionnaire and analyze by Chi-Square test.

Result : There  were 74.2% of children has normal nutrition status, 12.1% was obese and 13.6 % was underweight, Risk factors found to be significantly difference among the normal and abnormal nutrition status  were education , occupation and behavior in food consumption (P-value = 017, <.001 and. 032, respectively).

Conclusion : The parents should  have knowledge in the principles of the recommended  food intake from the public health officer  for caring the school aged children.


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How to Cite

Sakunwanwong T, Saengsawang P. Meal consumption by parental care and nutrition of school age at Ngao district, Lampang Province. TUHJ [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(2):29-38. Available from:


