Factors that affect treatment outcome of opioid use disorder with community participation in Maeteang ,Chiangmai province


  • Pawjai Mahathep โรงพยาบาลสารภี
  • Jirawat Thananarapong โรงพยาบาลแม่แตง


Effective treatment, Opioid use disorder patients, Community treatment


Background : Opioid use disorder  is a complex public health problem in the North of Thailand that leads to many health concerns.

Objective: This study was aimed to study the effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatment with community participation and factors that affect treatment outcome.

Material and methods :The sample consisted of 144 patients who volunteered to participate in Royal Project Extended in Tambom Kuet-chang and Tambon Ban-chang, Maeteang District,Chiangmai Province between 1st October 2014 to 31th December 2017. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square.

Result : The majority of the participants were male (88.55%). Most patients age between 31-60 years old, used opium by smoking 1-5 years about 4-8 grams per day before treatment. Eighteen patients could stop using opium for more than one year (12.5 %) while 64 patients could stop using opium less than one year (44.44%). In the group of patients who could stop using opium more than one year, mean dose of methadone in detoxification was 20.50 mg/day, mean dose of methadone in rehabilitation was 30.94 mg/day. Their mean of participated health education programs was 19 times. Mean of duration         in treatment was 34.16 months. Duration in treatment was significantly associated with treatment outcome (p=0.002).

Conclusion: In organizing activities to treat opioid use disorder patients in community, the patients should be maintained in the treatment program as long as possible for better efficacy because methadone alone is not enough for opioid discontinuation they can for effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Mahathep P, Thananarapong J. Factors that affect treatment outcome of opioid use disorder with community participation in Maeteang ,Chiangmai province. TUHJ [internet]. 2018 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3(3):28-3. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TUHJ/article/view/240294


