The result of DHF prevention between man-to-mosquito prevention (additional method) and the normal method


  • Itthipon Udtamapanya กลุ่มงานบริการทางการแพทย์ โรงพยาบาลชุมพวง


Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Mosquito, Epidemic, Prevention


Background : Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a fatal mosquito-transmitted infectious disease, causing global public health concern and burden.

Objectives : This study compared two methods ; the prevention of man-to-mosquito transmission (additional method) and the normal method. The purpose was to evaluate its effectiveness in disease prevention in seasonal dengue epidemic.

Material and methods : This non-experimental research was conducted in district of Banluam and Banluam’s boundary, Nakhonratchasima. Sixty-two samples were enrolled and surveyed by Department of Epidemiology, Banluam Hospital from Jan 01, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics in percentage, and inferential statistics with Chi-square test. Statistic significance was set at p<0.05.

Result : The method of dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention had effects on prevention of a new seasonal dengue epidemic (p<0.05).

Conclusion : The prevention of dengue epidermic with man-to-mosquito transmission (additional method) was more effective than the normal method (p<0.05).


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How to Cite

Udtamapanya I. The result of DHF prevention between man-to-mosquito prevention (additional method) and the normal method. TUHJ [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(3):39-46. Available from:


