The Evaluation of Solving Gambling Problem Project: Training and Development Center, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute


  • Passakorn Koomsiri สถาบันสุขภาพจิตเด็กและวัยรุ่นราชนครินทร์ กรมสุขภาพจิต กระทรวงสาธารณสุข


Background:  Solving Gambling Problem Project: Training and Development Center has projects to solve gambling problems. Evaluation and follow up of this project is needed.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate and follow up the result of Training & Development Center for Gambling Problem by using CIPP Model to evaluate four domains include context, input, process and product.

Method: Evaluation research collected both quantitative and qualitative data.The sampling consisted of (1) project manager and project advisor (8 cases) (2) officers and support staffs (35 cases) (3) clients of helpline 1323 who had gambling problem and accepted to provide information (30 cases) (4) fanpage of Facebook Gambling counseling 1323 (230 cases) and (5) the leaders in communities who joined 1323 project (325 cases).

Result: The context evaluation found that the objectives of the project were clear and related to the policy of the Department of Mental Health. The input evaluation showed that income, material and competency of officers were supportive for the project. The process evaluation was planned for the objectives, continuous development the knowledge and expertise of the officers. The product evaluation found that managers and advisors of the project had the idea that gambling problem was a challenging problem and they were satisfied with the performance of the officers. The officers were satisfied with the performance and could handle the problem while working. Clients were satisfied in a high level and got better after counseling. The fanpage of Facebook, Gambling counseling 1323, satisfied with the community’s support project and public relations of the project in a medium level. The fanpage a needed that gambling problem must be solved and they had awareness of gambling problem effects. On the side of the leaders from four provinces who joined 1323 project, they were satisfied with community service in a high level, had awareness of gambling problem effects, and wanted to manage the problem. Most leaders took part in problem management in community and knew the guidelines to prevent gambling problem.

Conclusion: The project followed the policy of the Department of Mental Health, responding to society’s problem. This project should be continued working and adjusted based on society’s requirement.


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How to Cite

Koomsiri P. The Evaluation of Solving Gambling Problem Project: Training and Development Center, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute. TUHJ [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];4(1):1-13. Available from:


