The Effects of Nursing Documentation Development with Focus Charting Nursing Record on Integrity, Nursing Documentation Quality, Knowledge and Professional Nurses’ Satisfaction among Medical Nurse


  • ลดาวัลย์ ฤทธิ์กล้า งานการพยาบาลผู้ป่วยอายุรกรรม ธท.2 โรงพยาบาลธรรมศาสตร์เฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Deming circle, Focus Charting Nursing Record, Knowledge, Integrity, Quality, Deming circle, Focus Charting Nursing Record, Knowledge, Integrity, Quality, Satisfaction


Background: Nursing recordings are important communications they indicate how nurses treat clients with professional knowledge and skills in accordance with professional standards and ethics.

Objective: To develop the nursing documentation by focus charting nursing record and to study the effects of nursing documentation development with focus charting nursing record on integrity, nursing documentation quality, knowledge and professional nurses’ satisfaction among medical nurse

Material and methods: It was a quasi-experimental research, involving 12 nurses and 240 nursing documentation in internal medicine ward. This study used the Deming circle's concept of continuous quality improvement (Deming circle), which emphasized quality development, whereby the team and stakeholders undertook four consecutive steps: 1) plan 2). Do 3) Check and 4) Act. This process was used by the focus charting record in a university hospital. Using the assessment of knowledge developed by the researcher, the questionnaire of nurses' satisfaction, integrity and quality of nursing records. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and dependent t-test.

Result: After participating in is project, the completion score of the nursing integrity documentation and the nursing documentation quality score was found to be high. The professional nurse’s satisfaction score with focus charting nursing record was high, and significantly higher than pre-study period (p > 0.001). The knowledge score level prior to participating in the project were in low level, and increased to an excellent level after completion.

Conclusion: The focus charting nursing record is developed with Deming circle's concept of continuous quality improvement (Deming circle). It can Increase the competency of nursing records both in terms of integrity nursing documentation, quality nursing documentation, knowledge and satisfaction of professional nurses.


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How to Cite

ฤทธิ์กล้า ล. The Effects of Nursing Documentation Development with Focus Charting Nursing Record on Integrity, Nursing Documentation Quality, Knowledge and Professional Nurses’ Satisfaction among Medical Nurse. TUHJ [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];6(2):1-13. Available from:


