Comparison of Adequacy Measurements of Hemodialysis between Online Clearance Monitoring and Urea Kinetic Model in End Stage Renal Disease Patients undergoing Hemodialysis with Online Clearance Monitoring
Hemodialysis, Adequacy of Hemodialysis, End Stage Renal Disease Patients, Online Clearance Monitoring, Urea Kinetic ModelAbstract
Background: The original quality assessment of hemodialysis adequacy is measured by Urea Kinetic Model (UKM) which is difficult and costly. Now, online clearance monitoring (OCM) has been developed that is more convenient.
Objective: To compare of 2 measurements regarding adequacy of hemodialysis between OCM and UKM and to study correlation between clinical outcomes and adequacy of hemodialysis.
Material and methods: 120 subjects were ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis, over a period of July to October 2020. Research instruments consisted of socio-geographic and health status records, assessment of adequacy of hemodialysis and assessment of clinical outcome. The data were analyzed descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
Result: Subjects were male and female at 44.2% and 55.8% respectively, aged average 67.7 years. The mean of comparisons regarding adequacy of hemodialysis between OCM and UKM were statistically significant difference (p<0.05). However, the mean of both methods was within the standard (>1.2). And it was found that clinical outcomes; - waste product clearances including BUN, Cr and weight gain control negatively correlated with adequacy of hemodialysis statistically significant at 0.01 level (r=-0.634, -0.446 and -0.297 respectively). For malnutrition (albumin and nPCR), it did not correlate with adequacy of hemodialysis. All subjects were no nausea, vomiting, lose appetite and itching.
Conclusion: Both OCM and UKM measurements of adequacy of hemodialysis can be a practical tool which no difference.
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