Validity of Region 4 Triage System


  • wasan limsuriyakan emergency physician
  • Pimgarn Lorwanich กลุ่มงานศัลยกรรมระบบประสาท โรงพยาบาลพระนครศรีอยุธยา จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา


Triage, R4TS, Emergency, Validity


Background: Emergency care should be dictated by the patients’ level of acuity. There fore triage accuracy is one of the important indicators for quality of emergency care.

Objective: To study Validity of Region 4 Triage System in Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya Hospital.

Material and Methods : This is a retrospective study of 2,065 patients who get to treat at Emergency room of  Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya Hospital.

Results: A total of 2,065 patients were enrolled in the study. Emergency patients were triaged into 4 levels of acuity, which were critical, emergency, urgency and non-urgency. The admission rate of each triage level were 43.03 %,37.92%,14.64% and 3.27% respectively. The mortality rates were 2.42 %, 0.48%, 0% and 0% respectively. Triage level was associated with the admission of emergency patients.Compared to the  critical level, odd ratio of the hospital admission of the urgency level, and the non-urgency level level were 0.29 (95% CI 0.20 - 0.42, p<0.001), and 0.09 (95% CI 0.05 - 0.18, p<0.001), respectively

Conclusion: Admission rate and mortality rate in 24 hour of each triage levels were different.The increasing admission rate and mortality were associated with more severe triage levels.


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How to Cite

limsuriyakan wasan, Lorwanich P. Validity of Region 4 Triage System. TUHJ [internet]. 2021 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];6(3):12-23. available from:


