Post Stroke Fatigue and Related Factors: A systematic review


  • Supachai Rakkaew Thammasat University Hospital, Thammasat University


Fatigue, Post stroke fatigue, Stroke patients


Introduction:   Post-stroke fatigue (PSF) is a major obstacle to inefficient recovery. At present, there is no specific treatment for fatigue in post stroke patients. There are also no guidelines for managing patients with post-stroke fatigue.  Therefore, a systematic review of the factors associated with post-stroke fatigue was conducted to develop the care of stroke patients with fatigue. This will help promote rehabilitation and make stroke patients have a better quality of life.

Objectives: This study was a systematic review to study the meaning of PSF, tools, and factor related post-stroke fatigue. According to the PICO Framework, which defined the inclusion criteria,  Studies on factors associated with fatigue in stroke patients was published between 2015 and 2015. 2021, both in Thai version and English. The exclusion criterion is no full paper. The key word was defined as follows: “Stroke” or “Acute ischemic stroke” or “Cerebrovascular accident” or “Cerebral infarction” AND “Fatigue” or “Post Stroke Fatigue” AND “Factors” AND “tools” or “measurements.” and searched all 5 databases, such as Science direct, Clinical key, Pub-med, TU library, and Google scholar. Searches were conducted on 1-31 August 2022. There were ten papers selected.

Results: PSF is a multidimensional perception or experience in the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of the person. It is a virtual symptom that  physical, emotional, and mental functions are reduced from normal. It causes feelings of tiredness, weariness, exhaustion, and lack of energy to continue living. PSF is a common symptom in up to 25-85% of patients. It causes physical, mental, and social impacts. The most common instrument used to assess fatigue is the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Relevant factors can be grouped into 5 groups: 1) intrapersonal factors, 2) clinical factors, 3) behavioral health factors, 4) psychological factors, and 5) social support factors.

Recommendation: Nurses should assess for fatigue screening in all post-stroke patients. It is used as a guideline for nursing care to prevent and manage fatigue according to appropriate factors for each individual. In addition, the study results can be used to further develop research on fatigue management programs in stroke patients.


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How to Cite

Rakkaew S. Post Stroke Fatigue and Related Factors: A systematic review. TUHJ [internet]. 2023 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(2):1-17. available from:


