The Strategy for The Management of Field hospital for COVID 19 in Nakhonnayok Province


  • Aungsumalin Mungkung Nakhonnayok Public Health Office


Coronavirus 2019 outbreak, field hospital, management strategy


Background: Due to COVID-19 outbreak situation in Nakhonnayok, the numbers of patients had increased significantly while the hospital beds were limited. Therefore, eleven field hospitals were established in order to receive more patients. They were under many threats and weaknesses.

Objective: To study 1.) the strategy of managing field hospital. 2.) factors which influence the success and failure of managing field hospital.

Material and Methods: This is a qualitative research which uses secondary data and deep interviews with committee and medical staff of 11 field hospitals in Nakhonnayok during June to December 2021, 26 people were selected  by specific method. Content analysis, triangulation, categorizing relevant data, and form inductive conclusions were performed.

Result: Most informants were female, aged between 50-55 years, graduated with a bachelor's degree, and played a role in nursing. Before the epidemic situation, Nakhonnayok preparations had been made to support the outbreak in accordance with the Six Building Box concept. Both external and internal factors made it possible to establish field hospitals in every district, a total of 11 locations within a period of 2 months. During and after the epidemic situation, there are analysis of relevant factors, SWOT analysis, creating 3 management strategies. Therefore, there are three management strategies as follows: 1) the management strategy following the Incident Command System 2) the Single command strategy is in 3 systems: full function, hospitel function and factory function. 3) the management strategy under the contracted unit of primary care. Hospital directors were the key persons to regulate the management strategy. The success factors were leaders, staff and the management while the problems were the lack of staff in specific fields or their lack of experience. Most problems were external factors which cannot be controlled.  Suggestions and opportunities for improvement will help make a plan for practice in order to continuously improve for staff knowledge.

Conclusion: In the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, preparations should be made before hand.  Relevant factors were analyzed to formulate strategies for proper management.  The organizational leaders and team members are the key success factors in determining the field hospital management strategy.


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How to Cite

Mungkung A. The Strategy for The Management of Field hospital for COVID 19 in Nakhonnayok Province. TUHJ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(1):59-73. Available from:


