The Effects of Health Behavior Modification Program with Self-management Concepts in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome in Phromkhiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province
Health behavior modification program, self-management, Adults, Metabolic syndromeAbstract
Background: Metabolic Syndrome is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. These diseases are now the first cause of death in the population.
Objective This quasi-experimental research was designed was to evaluate the effects of health behavior modification program with self-management concepts in adults with metabolic syndrome in Phromkhiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province.
Material and methods: The sample included 76 adults individuals with metabolic syndrome. The participants were divided in to an experimental group (n=38) and a control group (n=38). The experimental group received a program of health behavior modification program with self-management concepts in adults with metabolic syndrome while the control group received regular attention but with no interventions. Results were evaluated in week 16 with the data analysis using descriptive statistics, the chi-square test and t-test.
Result: The results showed that after the 16th week of the experiment, the experimental group had a significant reduction in blood glucose, blood pressure and waist circumference statistically significant lower than before the experiment (p<.05). Comparing the experimental group and the control group, the mean blood glucose level and blood pressure of the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group (p<.05) at week 16; however, the mean waist circumference was not significantly different (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The results of the research can be used as a guideline for reviewing and designing exercise education programs, food consumption and appropriate stress management in adults with metabolic syndrome as well as expanding the study results to other community areas. This is part of the mechanism that helps reduce the burden of medical expenses of the government, reduce the chances of disability and death of the people.
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