Spiritual Care Experiences among Palliative Care Team in Thammasat University Hospital, Qualitative Study


  • Natima Tiyoa Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
  • Supachok Weerawatsopon Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University


Spirituality, Spiritual aspect, Palliative care, Health care provider


Background: Spiritual issue is an important part of care in palliative care patients. The experiences in the palliative care providers have not been studied in Thailand.

Objective: To explore the experiences of spiritual care of the palliative care providers in Thammasat University Hospital (TUH) in terms of perceptions of the spiritual aspect, responding to the patient’s spiritual needs, and the impact on themselves. 

Material and Methods:  A qualitative study using the in-depth, semi-structured interview with purposive sampling was conducted among physicians and nurses working in palliative care services of TUH. A sample of 12 participants complying with the inclusion criteria was recruited and interviewed. We utilized a direct approach to qualitative content analysis to identify themes emerging from the interview. They were 4 medical teachers, 4 family medicine residents and 4 palliative care nurses. Trustworthiness was conducted by credibility, confirmability and reliability.

Result: The participants’ experience on spiritual care in palliative patients were in 5 themes as follows; 1. The perception of spirituality dimension in palliative patients were the spiritual needs that mean needs or deep desires in terminal period, love, happiness and religious practice. The spiritual assessment were questions in conversation, evaluation and perception by their mind.  2. The important obstacles were the definition of spirituality and guideline on how to approach it in a concrete manner, including difficulty to cope patient emotional overwhelming. 3.The responding experiences for spiritual care were 2 types, facilitating the needs to make it come true and responding by deep listening and empathy. 4.The spiritual healer experience were happy, peace, let go, thus perceived as their professional value. 5.Development spiritual care competency, teams were raised consciousness on the important of spiritual care and self-awareness on what they lack. The improvement of communication skills, shared learning forum, construct the definition of spiritual dimension and guideline were important issues for development of spiritual care in palliative patients.

Summary: The experiences of spiritual care in the palliative care providers are the important and meaningful for them, thus perceived as their professional value and personal inner growth. The development of spiritual care in palliative patients should improve self-awareness of providers, communication skills, team learning and workflow system for delivered spiritual care of the palliative patients in the context of Thai culture.


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How to Cite

Tiyoa N, Weerawatsopon S. Spiritual Care Experiences among Palliative Care Team in Thammasat University Hospital, Qualitative Study. TUHJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 May 17];8(3):13-28. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TUHJ/article/view/262748


