Relationship between transformational leadership and soft skills of the director of sub-district health promotion hospital in Chachoengsao Province
Soft Skills, The director of a sub-district health promotion hospital, Transformational LeadershipAbstract
Background: Transformational leadership affects organizational performance, attitude, and satisfaction. It Includes a commitment to the organization and the development of personnel within the organization to change perspectives or work methods and inspiration, encourage the application of these skills to the unique characteristics or qualities of individual leaders, and influence the development of followers. The development of personality traits and competencies results in efficient work performance and effective communication with others.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the level of transformational leadership and soft skills and the relationship between transformational leadership and soft skills of the director of the sub-district health promotion hospital in Chachoengsao Province.
Material and methods: This study was a descriptive study. The population is 139 personnel, including district health office, district health assistants, and the director of a sub-district health promotion hospital. A sample group of 102 people was calculated using Krejcie and Morgan's calculation formula. The tool used was a questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.99. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient at the 0.01 significance level.
Results: Overall, the study found that the level of transformational leadership is high, while soft skills are also at a high level ( =4.44, SD=0.47). There is a significant positive correlation between transformational leadership and soft skills at a very high level of significance (p<0.01, r=0.896). The detailed findings reveal of that there is a highly significant positive correlation in the same direction, with a significance level of 0.01, including consideration of individual differences (r = 0.860), intellectual stimulation (r=0.851), and creating inspiration (r = 0.842).
Conclusion: The overall transformational leadership and specific dimensions are significantly correlated with soft skills at a high level. It is possible to make management plan. It is the basis of information for the development of the director of a sub-district health promotion hospital in management. It also practice brings guidelines including knowledge, skills, and experiences that are ready to be transferred to followers.
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