The development of an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients in community hospital


  • Fureeya Benhawan Department of substance abuse and mental Health Service, Raman Hospital


Emergency psychiatry, Incidence of risks during, Readmission


Background: Due to the increasing number of psychiatric patients, we developed an inpatient acute care model to help ensure the effective patient caring in the inpatient ward.

Objective: To study the situation of psychiatric patients in Raman district Hospital in order to develop an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients and to study the effects of applying an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients in a community hospital.

Material and methods: This research was a research and development. There were 3 phases of the research: Phase 1: Studying the situation of psychiatric patients in Raman district Hospital and doing the focus group with registered nurses. Phase 2: Development of an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients Phase 3: Assessing the outcomes of an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients. The sample included 17 registered nurses who currently work in the male inpatient ward and 42 emergency psychiatric patients admitted in the male inpatient ward. The sample were selected specifically to study the outcomes of applying an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients.

Result: After applying an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients, there was no incidence of risk that occurred during an admission. The re-admission rate of an emergency psychiatric patients decreased. The experiment showed a significantly higher score of the inpatient acute care post-test done by registered nurses, compared to the pretest score. Registered nurses were satisfied with an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients at the high and highest level for 82.31%.

Conclusion: This inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients is clear and uniformed for patient care. It enables the convenient communication about the information between care providers, therefore nurses can follow all guidelines. Patients receive comprehensive care from the access to the continuity of care.


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How to Cite

Benhawan F. The development of an inpatient acute care model for psychiatric patients in community hospital. TUHJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(3):63-75. Available from:



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