Development of clinical nursing practice guidelines in the role of nurse-led clinic for multidisciplinary integrated care in atrial fibrillation


  • chantana charoensin Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Heart Center, Prince of Songkla University
  • Rachanee Srichai Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Heart Center, Prince of Songkla University
  • Kanchana Saeheng Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Heart Center, Prince of Songkla University


Nursing practice guidelines, Nurse led clinic, Atrial fibrillation, Integration, Multidisciplinary


Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in medical practice. It is an increasing trend in the elderly, causing high disease burden and disability. Therefore, nurses need practice guidelines for nurse-led outpatient clinics to care for AF patients under multidisciplinary integration for efficient care outcomes.

Objective: To develop nursing practice guidelines for nurse-led outpatient clinic roles to care for AF patients under multidisciplinary integration.

Material and methods: Analysis and synthesis of research from searching electronic databases such as CINAHL, Science Direct, and PUBMED. The main keywords for the search include nurse-led clinic, atrial fibrillation, nursing practice guidelines for AF patient care, and outpatient. Additional keywords for more specific information include management, administration, care program, comorbidities, cardiac risk factors, stroke prevention, warfarin, and anticoagulants. 13 related papers were found and used for content analysis synthesis.

Result: Nursing practice guidelines summarized important roles of nurse-led AF clinic: 1) Education 2) Assessment 3) Management and finding comorbidities that are modifiable risk factors for AF 4) Treatment 5) Coordination 6) Follow-up, and 7) Counseling.

Conclusion: The developed nursing practice guidelines incorporate six roles of nurse-led outpatient clinics for AF patients. Guidelines focus on two phases of nursing: before and after seeing a doctor. Aiming to achieve good clinical outcomes, patients receive standard professional care, reduce disease progression, prevent complications, improve patient quality of life, and reduce disease burden.


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How to Cite

charoensin chantana, Srichai R, Saeheng K. Development of clinical nursing practice guidelines in the role of nurse-led clinic for multidisciplinary integrated care in atrial fibrillation. TUHJ [internet]. 2024 Aug. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];9(2):24-38. available from:


