The Relationship Between Personal Factors and Full Denture Use Behavior on Quality of Life in the Oral Health Dimension Among Elderly Participants in the 'Ramadant Senior Citizens with Beautiful Smiles' Project at Raman Hospital, Yala Province


  • Jutharop Tunporn Dental Department, Raman Hospital


Personal factors, Full denture use behavior, Quality of life in the oral health dimension, Elderly individuals


Background : Most elderly people experience oral health problems that necessitate the use of full dentures. Full denture use allows them to chew food more easily. However, if they do not use their dentures properly, this can negatively impact various aspects of their daily lives and consequently reduce their quality of life in the oral health dimension.

Objective : This study aimed to examine the relationship between personal factors (gender, age, and education level), full denture use behavior, and quality of life in the oral health dimension among elderly participants in the 'Ramadant Senior Citizens with Beautiful Smiles' project at Raman Hospital, Yala Province.

Material and methods : This research was a correlational study. The sample consisted of 120 elderly individuals who were full dentures and were participants in the 'Ramadant Senior Citizens with Beautiful Smiles' project at Raman Hospital, Yala Province. Participants were selected through purposive sampling based on inclusion criteria and then randomly assigned using simple random sampling. The research instruments included (1) a personal information record form, (2) a questionnaire on full denture use behavior, and (3) a quality of life questionnaire in the oral health dimension. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and Spearman’s rank correlation.

Result : Personal factors such as gender and age showed a strong positive correlation with quality of life in the oral health dimension (r=0.72 and 0.74, respectively), both with statistical significance (p-value<0.001). Education level also demonstrated a moderate positive correlation with quality of life in the oral health dimension (r=0.43), which was statistically significant (p-value<0.001). Regarding behavior related to full denture use, a strong positive correlation with quality of life in the oral health dimension was found (r=0.75), also statistically significant (p-value<0.001).

Conclusion : Gender, age, education level, and denture use behaviors are factors that affect oral health-related quality of life. Therefore, when caring for patients who use full dentures, it is important to consider these factors to ensure good oral health-related quality of life.


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How to Cite

Tunporn J. The Relationship Between Personal Factors and Full Denture Use Behavior on Quality of Life in the Oral Health Dimension Among Elderly Participants in the ’Ramadant Senior Citizens with Beautiful Smiles’ Project at Raman Hospital, Yala Province. TUHJ [internet]. 2025 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];10(1):50-63. available from:


