Relationship between Digital Literacy and Psychological Capital to use Application “Smart AorSorMor” of Village Health Volunteer Leader in Nakhon Nayok Province


  • Phanthakan Yuenyong Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Pathumthani University
  • Jaroenchai Ungcharoensuk Faculty of Allied Health Science, Pathum Thani University
  • Parisa Saktongteerakun Nakhon Nayok Provincial Public Health Office


Digital Literacy, Psychological Capital, Village Health Volunteer Leader


Background : Digital literacy is a critical competency that influences the effective use of digital technology in public health administrations. Village health volunteer leaders (VHV), who serve as group leaders, possess digital literacy and will be equipped to guide the VHV group appropriately. Furthermore, a positive psychological capital is essential for facilitating the effective use of these applications.

Objective : This study aimed to examine the levels and relationships among personal characteristics, digital literacy, and positive psychological capital using the “Smart AorSorMor” application by village health volunteer leaders in Nakhon Nayok Province.

Material and methods : A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 196 village health volunteer leaders in Nakhon Nayok Province. The instruments used were questionnaires assessing personal characteristics, digital literacy, and positive psychological capital using the“Smart AorSorMor” application. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, chi-square statistics, and Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, at a significance level of 0.01.

Results : Digital literacy and positive psychological capital in the utilization of the “Smart AorSorMor” application were observed to be at a high level (  = 3.83, SD = 0.68) and (  = 3.74, SD = 0.61), respectively. The analysis revealed that level of education and frequency of using digital devices and applications were significantly correlated with digital literacy, whereas age demonstrated a relationship with positive psychological capital. Furthermore, digital literacy was found to be positively correlated with the positive psychological capital in the context of the “Smart AorSorMor” application, exhibiting a high degree of correlation (p-value < .001, r = 0.768).

Conclusion : Overall and sub-dimensional digital literacy correlates with elevated levels of positive psychological capital in the utilization of the “Smart Aor Sor Mor” application. This correlation underscores the need to cultivate systematic analytical and problem-solving skills using digital tools, particularly in health data management and community communication, to foster long-term potential.


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How to Cite

Yuenyong P, Ungcharoensuk J, Saktongteerakun P. Relationship between Digital Literacy and Psychological Capital to use Application “Smart AorSorMor” of Village Health Volunteer Leader in Nakhon Nayok Province. TUHJ [internet]. 2025 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];10(1):82-94. available from:


