A Case Study: Management of High Fluoride Content in Community Water Supply through School Setting.

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วรศักดิ์ ธันรุ่งโรจน์
คลฤดี แก้วสวาท
พเยาว์ อิศรพันธุ์


High fluoride content in drinking water has some effects on the human health for example young children will develop dental fluorosis when they grow up. To manage the problem of high fluoride content in drinking water is to prevent dental fluorosis in new generation. This requires the fully and continuously participation of individuals, families and community in changing their drinking water source. An R & D study was conducted at Tambon Banglen, Banglen District, Nakhon Pathom. Its objective was to build capacity of the community to manage the problem of high fluoride in water through school setting. Students aged 9-12 years old in one school were examined for dental fluorosis by the research team. It revealed that of 57 students, 35 children had dental fluorosis and 25 of them lived in Moo 11. Fluoride analysis of drinking water samples from village pipe water showed 2.12 and 3.32 mg./Liter. Teachers were informed dental fluorosis and its causes in students. They were aware that this was an environmental problem related to students' health in school. Some alternatives were discussed and their solution was to use rainwater for drinking in school. New cement rainwater containers were designed and constructed. The potential teachers found out financial and other resources from the community and outside. In June 2003 voluntary students and villagers conducted a survey of water consumption source in their community. It was found that 53 out of 124 households, there were 26 families that drink low fluoride water. Teachers arranged a parents meeting and performed some activities such as exhibitions, drawing competition and making stickers to inform people to drink low fluoride water. Later community leaders arranged a meeting to disseminate knowledge to villagers. An evaluation was done after 12 months it was found that among 121 families, 56.2 % drank low fluoride water and 19.8 % drank pipe water. This case study showed that school setting was a good entry point to approach the community to manage their health related problems. Its advantages were that teachers were respected by people and they were willing to participate in school activities.


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ธันรุ่งโรจน์ ว, แก้วสวาท ค, อิศรพันธุ์ พ. A Case Study: Management of High Fluoride Content in Community Water Supply through School Setting. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];10(1-2):9-14. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/212836
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