Specimen submission in Ophthalmic pathology



specimen handling, ophthalmic pathology, fixation, specimen submission


Pathological examination has an essential role in disease diagnosis and prognosis. However, pathological interpretation may be difficult or even impossible if cellular morphology or microstructures are distorted due to an artifact, an artificial structure or tissue alteration caused by the preparation process for a microscopic slide. Ophthalmologists who submit specimens for pathological examination should have knowledge of specimen collection for surgical pathology, cytology, and frozen sections starting from the proper surgical techniques for each organ collection, type and amount of fixative, and container. Importantly, precise communication between a surgeon and a pathologist should be made via an ophthalmic pathology consultation request form. Data should be completely provided for the right understanding of the submitted specimen. This leads to an accurate interpretation of pathological results, which helps guide further patient management. 


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