แนวทางการสอนการเขียนเชิงสร้างสรรค์โดยประยุกต์ใช้หลักเสียง 6 เสียงของอัลเฟรด ฮิตช์ค็อกเพื่อส่งเสริมความสามารถในศตวรรษที่ 21 ของผู้เรียน (The approach to teach creative writing by applying the Alfred Hitchcock’s six sounds of suspense for enhancing the 21st century Abilities of students)

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ชลธิชา หอมฟุ้ง (Cholticha Homfung)


The purpose of this article is suggests the approach for teaching creative prose writing and creative poetry writing by applying the six sounds of Alfred Hitchcock. This approach construct by using Collaborative learning.  The way to apply the six sounds of Alfred Hitchcock to teach creative writing is the teacher can allow students to collaborate as a group to write stories that create sound or event instead of sound and can create into a story as follows; First sound: Character doesn’t hear. Second sound: Character doesn’t hear-changes posture. Third sound: Character hears but shrugs off. Fourth sound: Crash on ground. Fifth sound: seek sound and relief and Sixth sound: final Bang. This approach can enhance both of creative prose and poetry writing of students. It also enhances creative thinking and collaborative abilities which is an important ability in the 21st century.

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Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts


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