Abdominal wall reconstruction following damage control surgery
การปิดผนังหน้าท้อง, ภาวะการเปิดผนังหน้าท้อง, การผ่าตัดเพื่อควบคุมการบาดเจ็บAbstract
Damage control surgery is famously utilized and is the mainstay treatment for treating severe abdominal trauma. This method usually results in open abdomen status, which is complicated in decision-making. Many factors are associated with treatment design, such as degree of injury, size, area involved, presence or absence of infection, timing and staging, associated injuries, and prior illnesses. Current evidence suggests primary fascial closure, split-thickness skin graft, mesh repair, flap reconstruction, component separation, abdominal wall transplantation, or planned ventral hernia as an appropriate choice for closing the abdominal wall.