Parental View of Palliative Care in Children with Cancer: Integrative Review

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Pattama Boonchuaylua, RN
Puangpaka Kongvattananon, RN, PhD
Chomchuen Somprasert, RN, PhD


The purpose of this integrative review is to describe parents’ views and needs whenit comes to palliative care in children with cancer at this critical phase. Ten publishedstudies of a literature search in PubMed, Science Direct and CINAHL were included inthis review. The analysis resulted in six themes: 1) good information and understandingof palliative care; 2) support by specialists in pediatric oncology; 3) respect as aknowledgeable expert; 4) emotional and psychological support; 5) effective communicationand 6) roles of actions. Professional nurses and health care professional teams shouldbe concerned about parents’ views and the need for palliative care for their children withcancer. They should also understand the child and their parents as the center ofindividual care. Further studies need to be performed in this area.

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How to Cite
Boonchuaylua P, Kongvattananon P, Somprasert C. Parental View of Palliative Care in Children with Cancer: Integrative Review. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(2):101. Available from:
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