Chordoma Management: A Review of the Literature

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Jutisin Lertboonyapan, MD
Dumnoensun Pruksakorn, MD


Chordoma is an uncommon bone neoplasm. Despite being considered a low-grade or benign bone tumor because of its histology, it is aggressive and locally invasive. It has a poor prognosis because it has a high rate of recurrence and is likely to be malignant. Chordoma is usually recurrent. Although its histology is considered a low-grade tumor or benign tumor, its behaviour of recurrence leads to a poor prognosis and higher likelihood of malignant tumors occurring. Chordoma is believed to emerge from transformed remnants of notochord and appears to favor the axial bone. The most commonly affected parts of chordoma are at the sacrum, vertebra, and skull base. The present gold standard for management of chordoma is a wide surgical resection. This article highlights recent practices and future directions for treatment.

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Lertboonyapan J, Pruksakorn D. Chordoma Management: A Review of the Literature. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];15(1):107. Available from:
Reviews Article


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