The Roles of Spirituality in People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis

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Yuttachai Chaiyasit, RN, MNS
Rattiya Thong-on, RN, MNS
Prasert Piboonrungroj, RN, MNS
Paiwan Kotta, RN, PhD


This qualitative research synthesis was conducted to explore the roles of spirituality in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) by using a systematic literature review and a meta-ethnographic method. CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, Clinical Key, Wiley Library Online, Thai LIS and Thai Jo databases were searched for articles published from 2000 to 2018. Eleven studies involving 310 participants were included. According to the findings, the following positive roles of spirituality for PLWHA were identified: 1) enhancing peace and happiness; 2) cultivating inner strength; 3) illness understanding and self-acceptance; 4) improving self-healthcare; 5) developing a sense of compassion; 6) finding purpose in life; 7) maintaining hope; and 8) creating relationships and a sense of connection. Nevertheless, a negative role of spirituality for PLWHA, internalized conflict, was also identified. Evidence from this study can provide in-depth understanding for healthcare providers to create spiritual care for PLWHA.

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Chaiyasit Y, Thong-on R, Piboonrungroj P, Kotta P. The Roles of Spirituality in People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];15(1):113. Available from:
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