Effects of Cold-pressed Tiliacora Extract in Reducing Mucositis Among Leukemia Patients Treated with Chemotherapy at Uttaradit Hospital


  • Sanong Luanratanakorn Special ward 1/2, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Saipin Kueareenuntawoot Special ward 1/2, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Nongnuch Sangsai Special ward 1/2, Uttaradit Hospital


chemotherapy,, Leukemia,, mucositis


Objective: This study was a quasi-experimental research aiming to examine the effects of cold-pressed
Tiliacora extract to reduce mucositis who received chemotherapy treatment in the V.I.P. ward at
Uttaradit Hospital.
Study Design: Quasi-experimental research
Methods: The subjects were chosen according to the designated characteristics and were similar
relating to genders, age, illness, treatment, and prescribed chemotherapy where all of them were
divided into two groups by parings. The first 7 patients were assigned the controlled group to received
regular nursing care together with 0.9% normal saline gargle. The other 7 patients were assigned as
the experimental group who received nursing care focusing on giving information, practice of stills,
encouragement and support for oral health self-care with the use of cold-pressed Tiliacora extract
gargle. The data collection was performed with the evaluation on the patients’ mucositis as designed by
World Health Organization, evaluation form on pain from mucositis. The research instruments included
manuals, posters, and brochures. The statistical analysis was carried out with percentage, mean,
standard deviation, and Repeated Measures ANOVA.
Conclusion: This study revealed the benefits of nursing care which focuses to provide information,
skills practices, encouragement and support for oral health self-care by using the cold-pressed Tiliacora
extract gargle. Therefore, it was highly suggested there be information provision, skills practice,
encouragement and support for oral health self-care with the use of cold-pressed Tiliacora extract
gargle in the types of patients. Additionally, participation from family members and further expansion
of the benefit should be also taken for consideration for other types of cancer patients with other oral
Keywords: chemotherapy, Leukemia, mucositis


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How to Cite

Luanratanakorn S, Kueareenuntawoot S, Sangsai N. Effects of Cold-pressed Tiliacora Extract in Reducing Mucositis Among Leukemia Patients Treated with Chemotherapy at Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];36(1):28-40. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/252731



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