Efficacy of “STEMI Consultation Template” for Reduce door-to-needle Time at Community Hospital


  • Patcharaporn Phungthong Uttaradit Hospital
  • Sirinat Mecharean Uttaradit Hospital
  • Auntada Udommongkol Uttaradit Hospital
  • Thipwan Keawmanee Uttaradit Hospital


STEMI, Consultation, DTN, SK, CCU


Background: STEMI patients at community hospital delays prescription streptokinase (SK),
door-to-needletime (DTN)more than 30 minutes, consequently the high mortality rate. Important
causes was inadequate and formless of consultation pattern to cardiologist at Uttaradit hospital center.
Objective: This action research aims to comparison Door-to-needle timeat community hospital before
and after used “STEMI Consultation Template”. Design, setting, and participantsThe research was
historical controlled intervention at community hospital
Methods: STEMI patients to Coronary Care Unit Uttaradit hospital center was carried out from July
2015 to April 2016 44 STEMI patients (control group) and May 2016 to April 2017 44 STEMI patients
(intervention group).Control group consulted STEMI case by Line application but not prescription steps
and material, new “STEMI Consultation Template” prescription steps and important material include
chest pain score, infarct position, killip classification and contraindication for SK and record DTN in
case record from.The data were analyzes using frequency, mean, percentage and adjust the differences
include gender, age, underlying disease, severity of disease, infarct position bypoissonmultiple regression.
Results: There were STEMI patients used “STEMI Consultation Template” decreased DTN 91.1±113.3
minutes lower than control group 208.2±106.6 minutes(p<0.001), then adjust the differences as
described above, the “STEMI Consultation Template” decreased DTN 117.7 minutes (p<0.001),
increased chance DTN within 30 minutes 8.9% (p=0.715)and decreased mortality rate 17%(p=0.503)
Conclusion All STEMI patients at community hospitalshould be used “STEMI Consultation Template”
consulted cardiologist at Uttaradit hospital center.Because increased chance DTN within 30 minutes.
Keywords: STEMI, Consultation, DTN, SK, CCU


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How to Cite

Phungthong P, Mecharean S, Udommongkol A, Keawmanee T. Efficacy of “STEMI Consultation Template” for Reduce door-to-needle Time at Community Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];35(2):1-9. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/253405



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