The Survey of Problems, Needs for Development Among Nursing Personnel of Care Management for Patients with Dangerous Contagious Diseases, Emerging Diseases, and Re-Emerging Diseases


  • Somrak Sirikhetkon Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention
  • Somtavil Ampornareekul Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute
  • Anchaleeporn Amatayakul Faculty of Nursing, Chulabhorn Royal Academy


Problem of care management, Need of development, Contagious disease, Emerging disease, Re-emerging disease


Nurses are the major health care human resources, who play a key role in the care management for patients with dangerous contagious disease, emerging disease, and re-emerging disease. Therefore, the development of nursing personnel to be able to work effectively and reduce the risk of exposure to the infectious diseases is urgently needed during the pandemics. The descriptive research aimed to survey problems, needs for development among nursing personnel of care management for patients with dangerous contagious disease, emerging disease, and re-emerging diseases. The samples were 140 nurses administering care for dangerous contagious disease, emerging disease, and re-emerging disease patients, and 15 nursing administrators. A survey questionnaire towards problem conditions and needs for professional development to improve patient care management process and an interview guide were used to collect data. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and summarizing issues were employed to analyze data derived from the open-ended questions and interviews. The results revealed the top three of problems were insufficiency of manpower (25.07%), management of place and environment (21.33 %), insufficiency of tools and equipment (19.02 %), respectively. Needs for development among both groups were nursing practice guidelines, manpower management and personnel development. Additionally, need from nursing staff was knowledge about epidemiology. In summary, continuously personnel development to meet the needs of individuals and institution, and having effective monitoring and evaluation system will help to enhance the ability, confidence, and value of nurses in managing patients with dangerous contagious diseases, emerging diseases, and re- emerging diseases.


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How to Cite

Sirikhetkon S, Ampornareekul S, Amatayakul A. The Survey of Problems, Needs for Development Among Nursing Personnel of Care Management for Patients with Dangerous Contagious Diseases, Emerging Diseases, and Re-Emerging Diseases. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];4(3):111-20. Available from:



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