Whole-Body Vibration Exercises and Training for Improving Physical Fitness in the Elderly


  • Metee Jinakote School of Human Kinetics and Health, Faculty of Health Science Technology, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
  • Atchareeya Kasiyaphat School of Human Kinetics and Health, Faculty of Health Science Technology, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy


physical activity, whole-body vibration exercises, whole-body vibration training, elderly, physical fitness


Physical activity plays a pivotal role in promoting health among older adults by delaying the deterioration of body functions. Whole-body vibration exercises (WBVEs) have gained popularity and are widely used to improve muscle strength, gait speed, bone mineral Physical activity plays a pivotal role in promoting health among older adults by delaying the deterioration of body functions. Whole-body vibration exercises (WBVEs) have gained popularity and are widely used to improve muscle strength, gait speed, bone mineral


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How to Cite

Jinakote M, Kasiyaphat A. Whole-Body Vibration Exercises and Training for Improving Physical Fitness in the Elderly. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];5(3):154-65. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jcra/article/view/257367



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