Nursing care for people with Neuroendocrine Tumor (NETs) receiving 177Lu-DOTATATE Therapy


  • Chanyanut Chuenchom National Cyclotron and PET Centre, Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Sirinsuda Somboon National Cyclotron and PET Centre, Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Chanisa Chotipanich National Cyclotron and PET Centre, Chulabhorn Hospital


177Lu-DOTATATE NETs Nursing care


Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are cancers of the endocrine cells, originating in organs such as lungs, stomach, small intestine, colon, or pancreas and spreading to other organs. Whilst, treatment modalities of NETs comprise surgery, chemotherapy and novel innovative drugs to targeted organs, including the use of radiopharmaceutical agents. 177Lu-DOTATATE is an alternative and efficacious treatment with increasing survival rates and few side effects. Nursing care of NETs patients with 177Lu-DOTATATE therapy based on a specialized knowledge on disease pathology and radiation in order to increase patient safety and enhance efficiency effectiveness of 177Lu-DOTATATE therapy.


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How to Cite

Chuenchom C, Somboon S, Chotipanich C. Nursing care for people with Neuroendocrine Tumor (NETs) receiving 177Lu-DOTATATE Therapy. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];6(2):115-28. available from:



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