Job Safety Analysis of Drainage Pipe Cleaning Tasks Performed by Inmate Workers: Insights and Recommendations


  • Worrawit Nakpan School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Saisattha Noomnual Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Drainage pipe cleaning, Inmate workers, Job safety analysis, Occupational safety, Risk assessment


Background: Inmate workers are considered a vulnerable group within society, and they engage in public work initiatives in Thailand, including sewage network cleaning, which may be associated with several hazards. Objectives: This study aims to systematically observe and identify potential hazards connected with the excavation and cleaning of drainage pipes, as performed by inmate workers. Methods: Job safety analysis (JSA) is employed to identify and quantify risks across six main tasks using a risk matrix to provide a detailed hazard evaluation. Results: The findings reveal significant occupational hazards, encompassing environmental and traffic safety risks during area preparation and physical and ergonomic challenges during waste retrieval and pipe cleaning tasks. These risks are heightened by the use of tools, the physical strain of manual labor, and challenging environmental conditions. Conclusions: There is a need for safety protocols and training specifically designed for the unique circumstances of inmate workers. Recommendations include appropriate personal protective equipment, regular risk assessments, and policy reforms that align inmate labor practices with established occupational health and safety standards. This study reveals the specific risks associated with inmate labor in public works, supports the development of targeted safety measures, and promotes the adoption of continual risk evaluations and ethical concerns in policy formulation, thus ensuring the well-being and safety of this unique workforce.



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How to Cite

Nakpan W, Noomnual S. Job Safety Analysis of Drainage Pipe Cleaning Tasks Performed by Inmate Workers: Insights and Recommendations . J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2024 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];6(4):204-18. available from:



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