Contamination of Phthalates and Policy Recommendations for Thailand


  • Nuttapong Leamun Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
  • Kraichat Tantrakarnapa Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
  • Orawan Kaewboonchoo Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Parinya Panuwet Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
  • Somkiat Siriruttanapruk Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health
  • Plernpit Boonyamalik Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


phthalates, contamination, environmental exposure, health risk, regulation measures, Policy recommendation


This article provides an overview of phthalate contamination in Thailand, reviews the existing laws on phthalate regulation, and provides policy recommendations to strengthen the regulation and monitoring of phthalates domestically. According to the literature review, phthalates have been detected in children's toys, exceeding the permissible level by approximately 31%. Phthalates have also been found to average 2,382.3 µg/g of dust in household dust at concentrations higher than in Korea. In addition, phthalate metabolites were detected in the urine of Thai children and adolescents, suggesting widespread exposure to phthalates among these vulnerable populations. Although the health impacts of phthalates have been reported in the literature (e.g., disrupting the endocrine system, causing abnormalities in various organs and systems, etc.), only a few phthalates have been regulated in Thailand. Four out of >30 existing phthalates are listed on the Thailand Hazardous Substance Act as Type III Hazardous Substances, which requires specific registration and permission from the Department of Industrial Works to produce, import, export, and possess these substances. In Thailand, phthalates are regulated only in 3 types of products: food wrapping films, cosmetics, and children's toys. Thus, to protect the health of Thai people from phthalate exposure, integrative efforts are required to strengthen the existing regulations to cover more than four phthalates by adding DiNP, DnOP, DnPP, and DBP to the Thailand Hazardous Substance Act, provide detailed information on the phthalate quantity or concentration in product labels, communicate health risk information to the public frequently, develop more laboratory facilities to measure phthalates in products, the environment, and humans, and consider the use of appropriate phthalate alternatives.


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Author Biography

Nuttapong Leamun, Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University

Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University,

Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health


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How to Cite

Leamun N, Tantrakarnapa K, Kaewboonchoo O, Panuwet P, Siriruttanapruk S, Boonyamalik P. Contamination of Phthalates and Policy Recommendations for Thailand. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2025 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];7(1):9-21. available from:



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