The Development of the Solid Waste Management Model with Community Participation in Numchun SubDistrict, LomSak District, Phetchabun Province


  • Apichit Kongngern Lomsak District Health Office


The Solid Waste Management Model, Community Participation, Solid Waste


The objectives of this participatory action research were to develop and evaluate the Solid Waste Management Model with community participation in Numchun SubDistrict, LomSak District, Phetchabun Province, using Appreciation Influence Control technique (AIC). This technique includes 3 processes. The first process was Appreciation (A) that encouraging the community members to share ideas, analyze, and solve the problem of the solid waste together. The second process was Influence (I) that encouraging the community to find solutions themselves by developing any action plans and a waste management model. The last process is Control (C) that encouraging the community to organize various activities projects to solve the problem of solid waste. The results showed that 1) the general waste management: the community needs to improve household waste sorting; 2) infectious waste in the community to be collected and sent to the Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital; 3) hazardous waste must be thrown into a hazardous waste bin where the sub-district administration organization places it. The overall level of community participation in the solid waste management program was moderate (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.28, SD= 0.28). The amount of waste was significantly decreased after using the waste management model (p-value=0.05). Thus, applying the participation of all stakeholders in the community is an important process to drive the Solid Waste Management program.


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How to Cite

Kongngern, A. . . (2021). The Development of the Solid Waste Management Model with Community Participation in Numchun SubDistrict, LomSak District, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 1(1), 55–64. Retrieved from