Submission Process

Step 1: Author Submits Article

     The author submits the article by uploading it through the system at 

Step 2: Editorial Board Preliminary Review

     The article file you uploaded will be initially reviewed by the editorial board within 7 days. If your article passes the preliminary review, the board will forward it to qualified reviewers.

Step 3: Editorial Board Selects Peer Reviewers

     The editor selects three reviewers from various institutions who are specialists in the content area within 7 days.

Step 4: Send Original Article to Reviewers for Quality Evaluation

     The article is sent to the reviewers. Once the reviewers accept the article for review, they will take 30 days to check for accuracy and provide suggestions.

Step 5: Editorial Board Reviews Reviewers' Feedback

     After all reviewers have submitted their feedback, the editorial board will review the feedback within 14 days.

Step 6: Send Evaluation Results to Author for Revisions

     The editorial board sends the article file along with suggestions back through the system to notify the author to make revisions within 14 days.

Step 7: Editorial Board Reviews Author's Revisions

     The editor reviews the author's revisions within 30 days. If further revisions are needed, the editorial board will send suggestions through the system. The author should make the revisions and resubmit the revised article within 14 days. If the article is rejected, the editorial board will notify the author through the system as well.

Step 8: Editorial Board Considers for Publication

     If the author receives acceptance for publication, they must pay the publication fee within 14 days. Details of the payment process can be found at and proof of payment should be sent to e-mail:

Step 9: Publish and Disseminate Article Online

     After receiving the revised article file, the editorial board will prepare for publication and disseminate the article in the journal, completing the process.