The Quality Improvement of Nursing Documents in the Emergency and Forensic Unit, Bangkruay Hospital


  • Orawan Nalampang Nursing Department, Bangkruay Hospital, Nonthaburi Province
  • Dokmai Budda Nursing Department, Bangkruay Hospital, Nonthaburi Province


Quality Improvement, Nursing Documentation, Emergency and Accidents Patients


The purpose of this development study was to examine the effectiveness of the quality improvement of documents in the Emergency and Forensic Unit, Bangkruay Hospital. This quality improvement was guided by the FOCUS-PDCA model (Deming, 1993 as cited in McLaughlin& Kaluzny, 1999). Participants were 9 nurses and 90 medical records of patients who attended an accident and emergency department. The research instruments were a personal data record form, the group interview questions, and an assessment form for nursing documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The result showed that the FOCUS-PDCA model was useful to improve the quality of nursing records. Nurses can identify the causes of the incomplete nursing record and choose the appropriate way to solve any problems. The researcher team provided a sample nursing record and a training program to develop nurses’ professional competency in a nursing documentation recording. After a 1-month implementation, it was found that a quality of nursing documentation was improved and increased from 51.65 % to 88.43%. The results of this study suggest that the FOCUS-PDCA model is useful to improve the quality of nursing records. Nursing administrators can apply this program in order to improve the quality of nursing records in other organizations.


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How to Cite

Nalampang, . O., & Budda, D. . (2021). The Quality Improvement of Nursing Documents in the Emergency and Forensic Unit, Bangkruay Hospital. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 1(3), 31–44. Retrieved from