The Effect of Patient’s Preparation Program for Decreasing Complication in Patients Who Received Spinal Anesthesia at Pasang Hospital, Lamphun Province


  • Achara Manochompoo Pasang Hospital, Lamphun Province


A Patient Preparation Program, Spinal Anesthesia, Decreasing Complications


The objectives of this quasi-experimental study were to compare the difference in knowledge before and after applying the spinal anesthesia patient preparatory program and examine the effects of spinal anesthesia success and spinal complications undergoing spinal anesthesia. Participants were selected using purposive sampling technique from 23 patients who accepted spinal anesthesia at Pasang Hospital between September and December 2022. The research instruments were a spinal anesthesia patient preparation program and an informative videoclip for health education. Data collection instruments consisted of recording forms on general data, illness and medical treatment, a knowledge assessment form, an evaluation form of success, and complications of spinal anesthesia patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and comparing knowledge before and after enrolling in the preparation program by Paired t-test.

The results showed that after attending the program, the participants who enrolled in the spinal anesthesia preparation program had significantly higher average knowledge scores than those who did not (p-value < 0.001). All participants successfully underwent spinal anesthesia surgery without any complications. Therefore, the study found that the patient preparation program for spinal anesthesia increases patients' understanding, which can lead to accurate practice and success in spinal anesthesia without complications.


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How to Cite

Manochompoo, A. (2023). The Effect of Patient’s Preparation Program for Decreasing Complication in Patients Who Received Spinal Anesthesia at Pasang Hospital, Lamphun Province. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 3(2), 63–77. Retrieved from