Factors Influencing Malaria Prevention Behaviours Among the Karen Ethnic Group in Tak Province


  • Watcharin Khamsa Faculty of nursing, Northern College


Factors, Preventive Behavior, Malaria, Karen


This predictive correlational research aimed to study malaria prevention behaviors and the factors influencing such behaviors among the sample group of 207 Karen ethnic individuals residing in Tak Province, selected through multistage random sampling. Data were collected using an interview-based questionnaire, which included sections on demographic information, knowledge about malaria prevention, perceptions of malaria prevention, access to resources facilitating prevention, social support, and malaria prevention behaviors. Descriptive statistics were used for general data analysis, while stepwise multiple regression was employed to analyze the factors influencing malaria prevention behaviors.

The results revealed that malaria prevention behaviors and perceptions of malaria prevention were at a moderate level. Social support (ß = 0.22) and access to resources facilitating prevention (ß = 0.14) were identified as significant factors influencing malaria prevention behaviors among the sample group. These factors collectively explained 22.40% of the variance, with statistical significance (R² = 0.22, R²adj = 0.22, F = 7.33, p-value < 0.01). The results can be applied to develop guidelines for home visits and malaria prevention initiatives that incorporate social support and improve access to community resources, making them more accessible for Karen ethnic groups. Further qualitative research and the inclusion of diverse variables are recommended to generate new knowledge for addressing this issue more effectively in the future.


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How to Cite

Khamsa, W. (2024). Factors Influencing Malaria Prevention Behaviours Among the Karen Ethnic Group in Tak Province. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 4(3), e269432. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnphr/article/view/269432