Food recipes for lunch children Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Mae Hong Son Campus


  • anavin phattharaphakinworakun -


Preschool children, Lunch, food Recipes


The culture in food consumption of preschool children has varied effects on the growth and cognitive and health improvements. This research aims to develop and evaluate satisfaction with luncheon recipes. The research method is a cross-sectional study. Purposive sampling in population comprised 64 preschool children in kindergarten year 1-3, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Mae Hong Son college and comprised 5 in personnel, teacher, parent. Selected from June to October 2020. 2 part to collect data food recipes Interview form the researcher creates and questionnaire applied satisfaction rating food recipes. 0.61 in Congruence Index tool quality and 0.83 in reliability cronbach alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and comparing the amount and percentage with an average of nutrients for one meal a day for kindergartens before and after developing 56 Thai food recipes in 7 types of foods.

The finding revealed that, after food recipes, the different average has decreased such as Sugars (39.2%), Energy (33.8%), Carbohydrate (27.8%), Fat (13.6 %), and Sodium (11.4 %). The different average has increased, such as Fiber (31.1 %) and Protein (12.5%). The satisfaction with the food recipes found overall satisfaction with the medium to high level. Moreover, the proportion adjusting of local ingredients according to the season used in the lunch recipes resulted in reduced sweet, oily, and salty tastes. In addition, increased protein and Fiber caused preschool children to concede to the food recipes. The recommendation for cooking is to have the knowledge of essential nutrition and use the traditional menu to apply in cooking for children to become familiar with foods in the school. This recommendation vicinity applies in food recipes for children to become familiar with foods and next research food recipes cooking applies in add variety ethnic foods and common foods.


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How to Cite

phattharaphakinworakun anavin. Food recipes for lunch children Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Mae Hong Son Campus. journalkorat [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 22 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];9(2):58-75. Available from: