The Development of Nursing Care Model for Promoting Individual and Family Self-Management of Pregnant Women with Premature labor pain in Hospital


  • Panida Chiangtong Maharat nakhon ratchasima hospital
  • Suratchana Pongporasuwan Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
  • Somjit Muangpin Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University
  • Sujirat Punyakaew Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Lakkhana Chainok Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology


Pregnant Women with Premature labor pain, Premature labor pain, Individual and Family Self-Management


Preterm labour affects pregnant women and their babies. Nursing care for promoting self-management helps pregnant women with premature labor pain to extend their pregnancy and reduce complications that may occur. This research and development aimed to develop a nursing care model for promoting individual and family self-management of pregnant women with premature labor pain and study the results and satisfaction after implementing the model. The samples were 20 professional nurses and 15 pregnant women with premature labor pain. Instruments used in this study were; 1) a general information questionnaire, 2) a satisfaction assessment form for pregnant women with premature labor pain in the hospital, 3) a satisfaction assessment form for professional  nurses and 4) a questionnaire on self-care behaviour to prevent preterm labour. The data was collected from August to October 2023 and analysed by descriptive statistics and Pair t-test.

               The findings showed that after implementing the model, the pregnant women with premature labor pain showed an increase in their average score for self-care behaviour to prevent preterm labour at a good level but statistically non-significant (p>.05). The pregnancy duration could be extended by up to two weeks.  The satisfaction of these women and the satisfaction of the professional nurses on implementing the model were found to be at a good level. The study suggests midwives should use the model to care for pregnant women with premature labor pain to help them carry the pregnancy to full term.


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How to Cite

Chiangtong P, Pongporasuwan S, Muangpin S, Punyakaew S, Chainok L. The Development of Nursing Care Model for Promoting Individual and Family Self-Management of Pregnant Women with Premature labor pain in Hospital. journalkorat [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 22 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];9(2):205-26. Available from: