Predictive Model of Quality of Life in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer After Radiotherapy

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Montira Khamho
Napaporn Wanitkun
Suporn Danaidutsadeekul
Kullathorn Thephamongkhol


           Purpose: To determine the predictive power of personal factors, weight loss, health literacy, self-management, patient engagement, and perceived person-centered care on quality of life (QOL) among patients with head and neck cancer during 4-8 weeks after radiotherapy.

          Design: Predictive study.

          Methods: One hundred and ten patients with head neck cancer during 4-8 weeks after radiotherapy were randomly recruited from 3 university/college hospitals specializing in head and neck cancer treatment in the Bangkok metropolitan area. Questionnaires consisted of demographic and health data, quality of life, health literacy, self-management, patient engagement, and perceived person-centered care. Hierarchical regression analysis was applied for the analysis.

          Main findings: The result demonstrated that overall quality of life of this group of patients was in a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = .67, SD = .19) with having lower psychosocial score than physical score (gif.latex?\bar{X} = .39, SD = .19 and gif.latex?\bar{X} = .59, SD = .19, respectively). For the personal characteristic, only fatigue could significantly explain 10.5% of the variance in the quality of life (p < .01). Final model demonstrated self-management and health literacy significantly explained 36% of the variance in the quality of life (p < .001). Self-management was the factor with the highest predictive power (β = .32, p < .01). Self-management and health literacy explained the variance of quality of life above and beyond fatigue approximately 25.5%.

          Conclusion and recommendation: Nurses should find promoting activities to enhance patients’ health literacy and self-management ability along with their treatment based on their fatigue levels to help patients having good quality of life after completing the treatment course.

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How to Cite
Khamho, M., Wanitkun, N., Danaidutsadeekul, S., & Thephamongkhol, K. (2018). Predictive Model of Quality of Life in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer After Radiotherapy. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 36(2), 54–66. retrieved from
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