Mediating Role of Mindfulness on the Relationship between Stress and Substance Use in Secondary School Students

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Sudarat Pianchob
Phuangphet Kaesornsamut


           Purpose: To test the mediating effect of mindfulness on the relationship between stress and substance use in secondary school students.

          Design: Descriptive study.

          Methods: Simple random sampling was employed to recruit 233 secondary school students. Students were asked to complete 4 questionnaires including general information questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, and the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test. The reliabilities of the questionnaires were .78, .85 and .89, respectively.

          Main findings: The results revealed that stress had a negative direct effect on mindfulness (β = -.46; p < .02) and positive direct effect on substance use (β = .16; p < .05). Mindfulness had a negative direct effect on substance use (β = -.25; p < .001). Moreover, mindfulness mediated the relationship between stress and substance use in secondary school students.

          Conclusions and recommendations: Mindfulness mediated the relationship between stress and substance use in secondary school students. Findings from this study provided the information related to the mediating effect of mindfulness on the relationship between stress and substance use, which is important to develop appropriate plans of care and intervention aimed at reducing the effect of stress on substance. Therefore, mindfulness based intervention can be beneficial in terms of preventing secondary school students from substance use.

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How to Cite
Pianchob, S., & Kaesornsamut, P. (2018). Mediating Role of Mindfulness on the Relationship between Stress and Substance Use in Secondary School Students. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 36(2), 78–87. retrieved from
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