Factors Affecting Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

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Sumaiyah Assomadi
Doungrut Wattanakitkrilert
Kanaungnit Pongthavornkamol
Chatkanok Dumavibhat


Purpose: To explore the predictive ability of fatigue, dyspnea, depression and comorbidities over sleep quality in patients with chronic heart failure.

Design: Predictive correlational research design.

Methods: The sample was composed of 102 patients with chronic heart failure in New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class 1-3, followed-up at the medical outpatient department of a tertiary hospital in Bangkok, Thailand from March to April 2018. Data were collected using record forms of the patients’ personal information and medical history, the Pittsburg Quality of Sleep Index (PSQI), the Piper Fatigue Scale-12 (PFS-12), the Dyspnea Visual Analogue Scale (DVAS), the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression statistics.

Main findings: The sample had a mean age of 65.62 years (SD = 10.31) of which 60.8 percent were males. Overall, the average score of sleep quality of the sample was 6.70 (SD = 3.99) indicating a poor sleep quality. Fatigue, dyspnea, depression, and co-morbidities were able to jointly explain 31.4 percent of the variances in sleep quality in patients with chronic heart failure (R2 = .314, F = 11.125, p < .001). Fatigue and depression were the variables found to be capable in predicting the sleep quality of patients with chronic heart failure with statistical significance (b = .393, .283 respectively, p < .05).

Conclusion and recommendations: Fatigue and depression could affect the sleep quality. Nurses and healthcare teams should assess patients with chronic heart failure in order to prevent and manage of the aforementioned symptoms for promoting sleep quality in patients with chronic heart failure.

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How to Cite
Assomadi, S., Wattanakitkrilert, D., Pongthavornkamol, K., & Dumavibhat, C. (2019). Factors Affecting Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 37(2), 43–59. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/192585
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